Bugs Bunny Explains How LeBron Helped Him Get Sober For Role In ‘Space Jam’ Sequel

Looney Tunes star Bugs Bunny thanked LeBron James for giving up on his party days. According to Bugs Bunny, LeBron helped him stay sober for his role in the Space Jam sequel.

He told media members he owned his life to LeBron.

“After all those decades of drugs, women, and alcohol, I had definitely hit rock bottom,” said the emotional Bugs Bunny. “One time when LeBron found me, I was as good as dead. All I remember is him shaking me and yelling my name, ‘Bugs, Bugs!’ Then my eyes popped open, spun like slot machines, and landed on three bottles, at which point I vomited coins all over him.”

“No one else wanted to stand up to me because I was a big celebrity. But LeBron looked me right in the eyes and asked, ‘What’s up, doc?’—and I could tell he meant it.”

Bugs Bunny said he used to lash out on the set of Space Jam. He would often storm off the Warner Bros. a lot.

LeBron used to tell him to shape up.

“That was a wake-up call I’d been waiting for my whole life,” the rabbit said. “When I came to, I had a huge lump on my head and there were all these tiny Bugs Bunnies flapping around my head in a circle. Then they stopped, looked at me, and said, ‘Bugs, you need help.’ And they were right.”

“Everyone else had given up on me, but LeBron, he peeled my flattened body off the floor, stuck a basketball pump in my mouth, and inflated me back to my normal self,” he continued. “He knew how to get through to me. The last conversation we had before he intervened, I was so hopped up on cocaine that my heart was beating three feet out of my chest and hitting him in the face.”

“I wouldn’t have blamed him for walking away, but he gave me one more shot,” said the rabbit, adding that Michael Jordan and Foghorn Leghorn haven’t spoken to him since the filming of the first Space Jam. “Now, for the first time, I’m sober during rabbit season. And I no longer wake up hungover in strange beds, having no idea where I am because I got drunk and forgot to take a left at Albuquerque.”

“When I was at my lowest, I swear I heard the end-credit music of my life start to play and saw those big, red, concentric circles closing in on me,” he added. “Thanks to LeBron, though, I didn’t hear ‘Th-th-th-th-that’s all folks’ or see those words written out in a cursive script. And hopefully, I won’t have to for a long, long time.”

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