3-Year-Old Coventry Girl ‘Pitches a Fit’ Because She Misses Tom Brady (Video)

Quarterback Tom Brady is in the center of all events, and this time we have this 3-year-old girl missing him.

Penelope Grenier from Coventry really likes Tom Brady. She’s probably his youngest fan. That’s why she threw a tantrum!

“I want to see Tom Brady!” the girl screams in the 38-second video posted by her father Michael.


“You know football season is upon us when your 3-year-old pitches a fit because she wants to see Tom Brady! When her face is buried in the recliner she says, ‘I love you Tom Brady.’ HAHAHA…Fit or not I consider this a parenting WIN!” the father wrote.

Michael sent an email to NBC 10 News saying that he and his wife Lacey are huge fans of the Pats.

“Thursday night, we let (Penelope) watch some of the pre-season game and then Friday a little boy had a Brady jersey on. I got home from Friday night and Penelope runs up to me gives me a hug and says, ‘goat, goat, goat.’ Any farm toy that was a goat as a baby we called it Tom Brady. I ask my wife what she’s talking about and she said, ‘Ask her.’ I asked Penelope what she wanted? She told me she wanted to go see Tom Brady. I tried to explain to her that you can’t just go see Tom Brady, honey. The 20-minute tantrum ensued,” the email read.

Although he gave his best to keep a straight face and calm Penelope, it was just impossible to laugh. “It was just too funny for us not to tape it. we figured what better way to start the football season than to share the video for everyone to enjoy,” Michael said.

Well, everybody loves the Pats. They’re brilliant, and this little girl can recognize quality. Keep up the good job, girl.

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