Don Lemon Rips Trump Over Personal Attack On LeBron
President Donald Trump may be doing some good things for the country, but he’s definitely doing a mistake when it comes to LeBron James. That’s why Don Lemon stood up to him.
The President criticized LeBron, calling him ‘stupid,’ and this happened just days after the NBA star opened a public school for at-risk youth. Now you understand why Don Lemon is so angry at him, right?
Many say that Trump is just angry at LeBron for endorsing Hillary Clinton. Remember what LeBron said on October 2nd, 2016? “When I look at this year’s presidential race, it’s clear which candidate believes the same thing. Only one person running truly understands the struggles of an Akron child born into poverty. And when I think about the kinds of policies and ideas the kids in my foundation need from our government, the choice is clear. That candidate is Hillary Clinton,” the NBA star said.
Don Lemon responded to the President’s personal attack with a strong segment focused on his comments on black people throughout and before the presidency.
“Let me not mince words here. This president traffics in racism and is fueled by bullying. From keeping children at the border in cages to bullying journalists at his rallies every chance that he gets. President Trump is trying a divide and conquer strategy here and here’s how it goes,” Lemon said. Yes, he wasn’t mincing his words.
“He is trying to divide by race and conquer decency by smearing and the truth and the people who fight to uphold it. I’ve wondered sometimes if he will succeed. If President Trump, if he’s the one who has the finger on the pulse of this country. Is he revealing who we really are? Think about that. Is this who we really are? The overwhelming negative response to his unfair and unkind attack on a good man, LeBron James, shows America rejects what he is peddling. Most of America anyway,” he added.
Have you ever seen him this irritated by someone?