LeBron James’ School Announces Major Father Support To Improve Kids Life
Lebron James opened his I Promise school in Akron, Ohio. This provides so many opportunities for at-risk youth, and King James did more for his community than all the politicians who live there.
The opening of the school marked the “first day of school for 240 at-risk third-and-fourth graders at the I Promise School… a public, non-charter school, just like the ones James attended as a child.”
The 2017 data said pretty much everything about the educational system in Ohio. The state handed down failing grades for the Akron City school district. The annual report card showed the terrifying results. A D in achievement, and F in “Gap Closing,” a C in K-3 literacy, and F in “Prepared for Success,” an F in “Graduation Rate,” and an F in progress. Can it get any worse than this?
Things are about to change, and LeBron promised to do the best for his hometown. He knows there are so many kids out there who need a decent education. That’s why he opened the school.
The Akron Beacon Journal confirms that 42.5 percent of all the local minors live in poverty. The crime rate is 76 percent higher than the average in the nation. Should we add that Akron hasn’t had a Republican mayor, and Democrats have failed the city for the past forty years.
LeBron James was born to a single 16-year-old mother and grew up on welfare. His father was in prison, and the kid lived in multiple apartments. He missed 80 days of school in fourth grade, meaning he doesn’t really have bright memories from his childhood.
We all know that children need a stable household and two parents. It’s the parent’s duty to give these kids a love for education and knowledge.
“Students who grow up in single-parent homes complete fewer years of education and are less likely to earn a college degree,” data confirms.
LeBron didn’t have many opportunities in his childhood, and Frank Walker was one of the very few people who helped him. He assumed the father figure role, and this changed everything.
“I think the missing link in public education is that family wraparound support … Because our students come to school and they’re worried about things at home … We want to create that safe, that secure and that caring and loving environment for our families and our students so that our kids can focus on education,” the school’s principal Brandi Davis said.
Let’s hope that Akron kids will become as successful as LeBron.