Antonio Brown Apologizes Again, This Time To Everyone And Everything

Antonio Brown’s efforts to get back into the National Football League are huge. The veteran wideout is trying out his final card in order to join a team. The troubled player hasn’t seen the gridiron since Week 2 of the regular season. He was a Patriot back then. New England wanted to give Brown a chance because he was having too much trouble with the team. Brown didn’t want to wear a new helmet and then forced the team to cut him. That’s when head coach Bill Belichick decided to sign Brown. His tenure with the Patriots lasted two weeks, and Brown played one single game. This was just enough to catch a touchdown pass from quarterback Tom Brady and build an instant relationship with the quarterback. But, Brown made a few mistakes, and now he apologizes.

The Patriots had to release Brown amid the controversies. He was accused of sexual assault and even rape. The NFL opened an investigation into the scandal, and the results are yet to be seen. Instead of letting things go, Brown attacked Patriots owner Robert Kraft, and he even mentioned his Florida day spa scandal. He changed his mind and apologized. Many said that Brady made him apologize. As if that wasn’t enough, now we have Brown apologizing again. This time he apologizes for everything.

The receiver had to do this

The whole thing started when Brown posted a photo of him and Brady, calling him ‘big bro.’ He misses his favorite quarterback and also misses the adrenaline he has on the field.

In his second, lengthy apology, Brown apologized to his family, friends, and petty much anyone who he offended. According to this apology, Brown has had enough time to think about all the things that happened recently. His behavior was inexcusable as he likes to call it. Brown tried to convince everyone that his behavior is actually a result of the false information and allegation against him. He also takes full responsibility for his actions, and he is trying really hard to fix the things he broke.

Brown apologizes for all the things he did

“First and foremost, I’d like to apologize to my family, friends, and anyone who I offended,” the receiver wrote on Instagram. “I never once meant to make anyone feel like I wasn’t thankful and appreciative of the opportunity that I was afforded to play the game I love. I’ve worked hard over the years to earn a chance to compete in the greatest game on earth. Over the years I was met with challenges and I can honestly say I didn’t handle those challenges in the manner that I should have.

“Over the past few weeks I’ve had the opportunity to think about everything that’s transpired and I am deeply sorry to all who I’ve offended. While my behavior was inexcusable, sometimes when people are coming at you with false information and allegations, we handle ourselves in ways that we sometimes regret. I do take full responsibility for my actions and I’m working everyday to repair what I broke. I do know that if I’m ever given the opportunity to play the game that I love, I’m going to work extremely hard to show the world how much I appreciate another chance. To the organizations that I offended, I offer my sincere apology to you and my hope is that you forgive me and help me move on from this minor setback. I look forward to competing and helping a team reach their goals.”

Well, this isn’t something you ignore. Let’s see how will the NFL respond to this.

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